To raise this cash, they are forced to sell land to developers ( long-term leases, technically). 为了筹集现金,他们不得不向开发商出售土地(从技术上说,是长期租赁)。
Urban land, in contrast, though state-owned, is readily traded, with far longer leases. 相对的是,城市用地虽然是国有,但可以交易,并有更长期的租期。
In China, rural citizens are not entitled to own land; it is owned collectively and administered by the state, and many peasant farmers have no formal title or documentary proof of the 30-year leases handed out by officials. 在中国,农村人口没有资格拥有土地;土地是由国家集体拥有并管理的,许多农民没有正式产权,也没有官方以前发给他们的30年土地租约的书面证明。
While all urban land technically remains state owned, the leases are much longer than in the countryside ( up to 70 years) and land-use rights are bought and sold as if the land belonged to the lessee. 虽然所有城市土地在理论上仍然归国家所有,租期却比农村长很多(高达70年),而且承租人可以买卖土地使用权,就好像土地归承租人所有一样。
The company owns the land and the villa and may let the property or properties to tenants, guests or can grant leases as above. 公司拥有土地和别墅,租户或临时租户拥有房产权。租户或临时租户有权对别墅进行在出租。
Land and Buildings in Hong Kong are held under medium term leases on the Basis of the rights of extension provided by the New Territories Leases ( Extension) Ordinance 1988. 位于香港之土地及楼宇乃根据一九八八年新界土地契约(续期)条例提供之续期权按中期契约持有。
Studies on the Members 'Priority of Rural Units in the Transfer of Farming Land Leases 土地承包经营权流转中集体组织成员优先权行使问题研究